Article 1 The examination through peer review of Korean papers submitted to the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Materials Engineers shall follow provisions specified in this process.
Article 2 The Editor-in-chief (hereinafter, the “Editor”) shall examine Korean papers submitted to the institute according to the guidelines of contribution of papers and shall determine the feasibility of each paper whether to be forwarded to further process of examination through peer review or not. The “Editor” may return papers unable to fulfill necessary requirements prepared for the contribution of each paper to authors by signifying reasons of the return.
Article 3 For the papers concluded feasible for the process of further examination with peer review, the “Editor” shall appoint the editors solely responsible for the further processing of each paper. The appointed editors may select blind examiners dedicated to each paper (except examiners working in the institutions or agencies of each contributor) and request them the peer review of each Korean paper.
Article 4 In case of the examination of the paper contributed by the Editor-in-chief, then the Co-Editor-in- chief shall take over the responsibility of primary examination of paper of the Editor-in-chief. In cases of the papers contributed by members of the editorial committee, then the members of the editorial committee shall be excluded from the pool for the appointment of editorial members and blind examiners for peer review of each paper.
Article 5 Results of the examination through peer review of the papers contributed to the institute shall be determined as ones of the categories defined in the following. The guidelines provided therein shall be applied for further processing of each paper.
Article 6 The classification of contributed papers into the category of the “Reject” shall be made only with the following reasons; and the “Editor” or editors responsible for the judgment of each paper shall clarify the ground of each judgment in the space prepared for the examiners’ or peer reviewers’ comments.
Article 7 The “Editor” or editors dedicated to each paper shall make the judgment on each paper based on results forwarded from respective examiners/peer reviewers. The judgment can be based on results forwarded from two independent examiners or peer reviewers.
Article 8 Authors may appeal to or raise questions on the judgment of contributed papers resulted from the examination through peer reviews. In these cases, the “Editor” may request the editors who are responsible for each paper to prepare the evidential materials of each judgment.
Article 9 The examiners commissioned an examination or review of papers shall complete examinations and/or reviews on each paper within 7 days from the date of request for respective examinations, and the results of examinations as well as the attachment of examiners’ comments shall be returned to the institute on completion of each examination or review.
Article 10 In cases of the results of examinations on papers are not returned to the institute after 10 days from each request for examinations, then the editor(s) responsible for each paper may cancel the appointment of blind examiners commissioned corresponding examinations or reviews on assigned papers. Thereby, the papers forwarded for the examination or review shall be returned to the institute immediately.
Article 11 For the papers judged as the ones in the categories of the “Accept Pro” and “Re-Review”, the author(s) of corresponding papers may have 7 days or 14 days respectively to complete requested revisions of each paper.
Article 12 For the papers judged as ones in the category of the “Accept”, the editor(s) of corresponding paper(s) may request respective authors to modify or revise tables or figures (including photos) contained in each paper according to guidelines of the contribution of papers. In this case, the editor(s) shall confirm results of each request for the revision or modification of each paper to be completed by respective author(s).
Article 13 For the papers contributed and finally concluded as the ones in the category of “Accept”, the author(s) of accepted papers shall submit respective papers edited according to the guidelines to the institute in the format of electronic files.
Article 14 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers has been published bimonthly.