About the Journal

The Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers is published 6 times annually by the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers (KIEEME). Abbreviated title is ‘J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng.’. It was launched in 1988. It is devoted to reports of original short communications, research and review articles.

The J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng. encompasses all types of semiconductor, electronic ceramics, insulation materials, thin films and sensors, display and optical devices, superconductor and magnetic materials, high voltage and discharge engineering, nano and oxide electronics, energy materials, technology education, light source and application technology, and disaster prevention materials, and so on. Full text is freely available from: http://www.jkieeme.org/paper/intro/intro03.htm. It is printed on acid-free paper. Indexed in Korea Citation Index.