1. The submission of manuscript by members is a principle but the submission by nonmembers is possible.
1. Review Paper
1.1. Academic Progress Report: Overview and perspective statements on the research progress in a specified field by senior researchers
1.2. Tutorial Status Report: Practical guides to fresh researchers for experimental setups and property measurements
2. Research Article
2.1. Regular Paper: research articles bound for the scope of the journal
2.2. Early Stage Report (Graduate Research / Undergraduate Research): Experimental results insufficient for regular article but good enough to contribute to the research database, failed results that help preventing other researchers from repeating the same failure, and undergraduate research works awarded by the KIEEME annual meetings
2. The manuscript should be the contents that have not been published in other public publications before being submitted to the journal.
3. The manuscript is frequently received, and the date of receipt of the submitted one is decided as the date that the manuscript is received to the society.
4. The editorial committee of this society decides whether to adopt the manuscript or not, through screening procedures, and may require partly modification, reduction and complementary of the manuscript.
5. Manuscript is to be submitted online through the journal homepage (http://www.jkieeme.org/).
6. Manuscript should be prepared by MS Word file(.doc/.docx).
7. The technical term in the paper is in principle to use Korean but international technical terms can be used together.
8. Units of the SI, CGS or MKS are used as the unit in paper.
9. The author should be revised proofs of draft before the paper is published in the journal.
10. Papers published in the journal are in principle that it will not be returned to the author.
11. The contributor shall submit the < Agreement on Copyright Transference > of respective contributions to the Journal of the institute thereby the copyright of each paper will be assigned to the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material on the day of an approval of publication of each paper.
12. The contributor shall pay a publication fee separately prescribed if his/her paper is published in the journal.
13. Reprints are sent only to people who apply for them, and the institute receives the actual cost.
14. References are written by abbreviated name as shown in Table 1. The abbreviated names are shown in Table 1.
15. Authorship principles : All authors whose names appear on the submission
- 1)made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in the work; AND
- 2)drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- 3)approved the version to be published; AND
- 4)agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
- This regulation shall apply from April 16th 2010.
- The revisions made so far will be effective from the date of January 20, 2017
- The revisions made so far will be effective from the date of March 5, 2021.
- The revisions made so far will be effective from the date of May 1, 2021.
- The revisions made so far will be effective from the date of July 2, 2021.
Table 1. Journal Abbreviated Symbol
Name of Journals |
Abbreviated Symbol |
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers |
J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng. |
Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials |
Trans. Electr. Electron. Mater. |
The Transactions of KIEE |
Trans. KIEE. |
Journal of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering |
J. Kor. Inst. Surf. Eng. |
Korean Journal of Materials Research |
J. Kor. Mater. Res. |
Journal of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials |
J. Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater. |
Thin Solid Films |
Thin Solid Films |
Applied Physics Letters |
Appl. Phys. Lett. |
Chemical Engineering Science |
Chem. Eng. Sci. |
Journal of the Vacuum Science & Technology B |
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B |
Journal of the Vacuum Science & Technology A |
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A |
Electronic Materials Letters |
Electron. Mater. Lett. |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. |
Surface & Coatings Technology |
Surf. Coat. Technol. |
Journal of Applied Physics |
J. Appl. Phys. |
Journal of Materials Research |
J. Mater. Res. |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry |
J. Solid State Chem. |
Materials Chemistry and Physics |
Mater. Chem. Phys. |
Materials Letters |
Mater. Lett. |
Materials Science and Engineering(A-C) |
Mater. Sci. Eng.(A-C) |
Materials Science and Technology |
Mater. Sci. Technol. |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society |
J. Korean Phys. Soc. |
Met. Mater. Int. |
- A thesis subject should be concisely and concretely represented the paper’s contents.
The steel grades of Korean title are written in Korean, and added elements or customarily used alloy system are denoted as the element symbol.
[e.x.] Maraging steel → mareijing steel, Nickel-Chrome-Molybdenum steel→ Ni-Cr-Mo steel
English title capitalizes the first letter of the word except for a preposition, an article and a conjunction, and a hyphen next the first letters should be also written in capital letters..
[e.x.] Nickel-Base Superalloy
Author’s name writes together in Hangul and English, and main author is written in the first order. The author’s name by English should be written in full name.
Employment division (Research organization) is written as follows:
- 1) Employment division denoted by Korean: The name of research organization, relevant department or section.
- 2) Employment division denoted by English: Relevant department or section, name of research organization, nominated zip code, country’s name.
Abstract should be about 5 sentences long or 100 words or more.
- Keywords are written in 10 words.
The order written on paper shall be as follows.
- 1) Title and Abstract: Title, author's name, institution, division/department(in Korean),Title, author's name, institution, division/department, abstract, keywords (in English).
- 2) Text: Introduction, Method for Experiment, Results and Consideration, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References.
- 3) Titles of Tables and Figures, and its contents.
The first technical term appearing in text is written as original language and denoted as its abbreviation or symbol in next parenthesis and then when this term is used repeatedly, its abbreviation or symbol is used.
[e.x.] The absolute temperature (T)→T
When the reference is indicated in the text, it is indicated using square brackets [ ] in quotation sentence.
[e.x.] the impact [2,3] of electronic materials [1] for the oxidation.
The references should be written in English including DOIs.
1)Journal : J. H. Cho and W. Jo, J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng. 34, 149 (2021).
doi: https://doi.org/10.4313/JKEM.2021.34.3.149
2)Proceedings : T. K. Ha and Y. W. Chang, Proc. 2nd Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Adv. Mater. & Processing (eds. K. S. Shin, J. K. Yoon, and S. J. Kim) (Korean Inst. Metals & Mater., Gyongju, Korea, 1995) p. 253.
3) Book : H. Ibach and H. Lüth, Solid-State Physics, 2nd edn. (Springer, Dordrecht, 1996), pp. 45–56.
- 4) Online document : J. Cartwright, Big stars have weather too. (IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb, 2007),
http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/11/6/16/1. Accessed 26 June 2007
Widely known technical terms are written as possible as in Korean, and unfamiliar foreign technical terms should be written as original language.
[e.x.] the influence of slag → the influence of slag
If the foreign technical term is written at the very front of sentence, it should be written in uppercase letter, and if it is written within the sentence, it should be written in lowercase letter.
- In the text, Table is denoted as “Pyo” and Fig. is indicated in “Geurim”. However, the titles of tables and figures, in turn, are shown as Table 1., Table 2., and Fig. 1., Fig. 2. respectively.
- The caption of table and figure is written is English, and only the first letter should be capitalized. The position of the caption of table is placed above the table, and the caption of figure is placed at the bottom of the figure.
- The horizontal size of the figure and picture should be drawn within the range of 75~165 mm.
The formula in the sentence should be written in Italics, and if several formulas are written in order, then they are given the number such as (1), (2) without drawing a line in the next of the formulas.mulas.
The simple formula represents as the spread form, and if it is difficult to distinguish between the
numerator and the denominator, it is distinguished using a parenthesis().
- References are denoted as widely known abbreviated name. Abbreviated name are shown in Table 1. of the contribution rules.
- Papers are written in one file, and all tables and figures should be written to be attached in the file, and the picture files that require high resolution may be attached, separately.
- The fees for the publication of contributed papers in the Journal as summarized as in the following shall be deemed paid by respective authors:
1) Basic Charge (up to 6 (six) pages): 30,000 KRW (Members) /40,000 KRW (Non-members)
2) Variable Charge: 40,000 KRW (Members) / 50,000 KRW (Non-members) for additional 1 page over the basic limit of the 6 (six) pages
3) Special Charge: 120,000 KRW for each paper containing the phrase of 'Acknowledgment'
- 4) Express Charge: 1.5 times of the amount of entire charge for the paper requiring express processing and publication