Article page charge

Publishing fees shall be paid after the submission of the final manuscript of a paper in accordance with the following standards.

Page Charges
Division Page Number Publication Fee Urgent Publication Fee Acknowledgment Publication Fee
Author, if all members 1 page~6 page 30,000 won/page 1.5 times of Paper Publication Fee 120,000 won
Non-member exists among Authors 40,000 won/page
Author, if all members Over 7 pages 40,000 won/page
Non-member exists among Authors 50,000 won/page
※ 영문으로 투고시, 게재료 면제 혜택 시험 운영
  • 대상 : 2025년 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지 영문으로 투고한 논문
  • 단, 논문 투고시 반드시 <영문 교정 증명서>를 함께 제출해야 합니다.